Hello! I am Mark Hsiang-Yu Feng, I use he/him as my pronoun! I was born and grew up in Taiwan and now live in California. I travel across the Pacific Ocean to study popular music and international racial politics from an in-between, trans-pacific perspective. I conducted ethnographic fieldwork in Taiwan, Japan, and the US. I am currently a Ph.D. candidate in Ethnomusicology at the Department of Music at the University of California, Davis. My research interests include popular music in East Asia, racial politics, video games, music and dance analysis, and globalization. My recent research project investigates Taiwanese heavy metal music, its racial implications, and post/colonial challenges. As an Associate Instructor at UC Davis, I teach an undergraduate course, “Music & American Culture,“ at American Studies at the Hart Interdisciplinary Program. I also worked as a Teaching Assistant Consultant at the Center for Educational Effectiveness and as a Research Mentor at the Undergraduate Research Center at UC Davis between 2022 and 2024. I advise graduate student instructors in teaching and provide workshops, meetings, and consultations to enhance undergraduate education.

嗨!我是馮祥瑀!我在台灣出生長大,目前住在美國加州。作為一個跨太平洋的國際民族音樂學者,我時常在太平洋東西岸以及大洋洲的島嶼之間旅行,我的研究從一種跨太平洋的中介(in-between)、後殖民角度討論在流行音樂與國際種族政治之間的關係。我在日本、台灣各地、以及北加州進行田野調查。我研究的主題包含東亞流行音樂、種族政治、電玩音樂、音樂與舞蹈分析以及全球化理論。我目前是加州大學戴維斯分校的民族音樂學博士候選人,正在進行博士論文研究。我近期正在調查台灣重金屬音樂場景中的種族政治,以及其中的後/殖民挑戰。我目前受聘於加州大學戴維斯分校的美洲文化研究中心、非裔美國文化研究中心,以及音樂學系。作為教學助理,我教授的科目包含:世界音樂、披頭四的音樂、搖滾音樂史、都市嘻哈樂,以及美洲音樂與文化。我的課程與討論聚焦於在世界各地音樂、舞蹈以及表演過程中形塑的種族、性別、族群、階級以及國族認同。此外,我同時也在2022-2024年間,在加州大學戴維斯分校的教學中心(Center for Educational Effectiveness )擔任教學顧問,以及大學部研究中心(Undergraduate Research Center)擔任研究導師,並為全校的研究生僱員提供一對一諮詢、工作坊以及教學評估、給予博士生教授與安排大學部課程等相關事務的建議,同時我也帶領人文以及社會科學領域的大學生進行獨立研究。